
We aim to explore individual work within the framework of time-based architecture
that is designed and understood in 4 dimensions of perception.

Let’s take a trip to places and author our own island of fictional states.
We will navigate this critical space between the actual and the imagined,
a space where architecture can enter into new relations
with the territories of emotion and fiction.


The University of Melbourne Thesis Studio

Studio Leaders
Tommy Joo + Kim Jang Yun

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The Brain appears to possess a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us.


We feel we know a place we have never been to,
...slip suggestively our being in time.


Let’s take a trip to places where we can wander off the map, through the speculative landscape of dreams and desire.


 Oh Ephemeral,

We become lighter than air,
taking leave of the earth,

becoming insignificant to
everything left behind.





This studio continues to explore the notion of time in both the natural and man-made physical world.
We aim to explore individual work within the framework of time-based architecture that is designed and understood in 4 dimensions of perception.
We will take numerous trips and author our own island of fictional states.

We will navigate this critical space between the actual and the imagined,
a space where architecture can enter into new relations with the territories of emotion and fiction.


The Brain appears to possess a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us.
Let’s take a trip to a place where we can wander off the map, through the speculative landscape of dreams and desire,
on a future safari onto brave new worlds that have mutated from our own


We will be investigate the play of the ‘being’ as a trip, a life trip and the legacy that it leaves behind.
The brief is to design an environment of being for your author.
Design a space with a deliberate intention of provoking and manipulating specific emotion,
while poets, writers and composers will unashamedly spin narratives aiming to resonate, intellectually and emotionally, with the reader and the audience.

Can your built environment ‘act’ in this sense? You must use the palette of physical means which affect the mind.
We will return from the trips with a bag full of emotional connotation of the author.
Enjoy and see you again with your written postcard.


We become lighter than air, taking leave of the earth, becoming significantly insignificant to everything left behind.
How would you want to be ‘remembered’ after its being?

While the being provoked the client in the waves of emotion, how would this environment sustain or decay its presence?
Would it ruin and dismantle over the time, or would it maintain its presence? Continuity or impermanence?
You must generate your agenda from the creative observation and interpretation.



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